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The 5 Day Pivot To Sucess Bootcamp !

Showing You How to Build A Stable Future In a World of Chaos And Uncertanity

Lives That Have Been Transformed ( 2020 And Beyond)


People Living out their Purpose !

Why You Need To Pivot To Success

Lest face it and call it for what it is .

- You know how hard it has been since the PANDEMIC to try and keep a regular job and a STABLE income.

- You know the feeling of what it's like to not be able to pay the bills and live from one paycheck to the next.

- Every job  application you apply for just NEVER gets a return phone call or reply.

- You REALISE that you have to do SOMETHING, or you put your entire LIFE and FAMILY at RISK.

- Doing the SAME THING over and over again and expecting a DIFFERENT result, is completely DELUSIONAL.

- 97% of people on this planet, are trapped in this hamster wheel which never stops spinning.

- For you to get a DIFFERENT result, you must be willing to do something that is completely DIFFERENT.

- You MUST be WILLING, to REINVENT yourself, so that you can REPOSITION to PIVOT To SUCCESS in a world of CHAOS and UNCERTANINTY.

Join Luke McFarland — a 30 year career development coach. A business leader. A C suite executive and expert, who empowers everyday people. Luke shows you, that once you realize  that you have the power within, to redefine yourself and build a stable future .

"You have the power, to rewrite your life! - Anytime you want ! - I'm going to show you how to get this DONE! " Luke McFarland.

PTS Black

Attention: Parents | Relations | Family | Friends | School | University | College Students & Employees

If you give me just 1 hr. each day for five short days,  ( Tuesday - Saturday )

I will explain to you, how to navigate the 9- 5 job loss and build your own stable future.


  • I will show you how to address the CHAOS and UNCERTAINTY, face the FEAR of LOSING your INCOME, and learn how to build Multiple Sources of Income in a post pandemic world.


  • I will help you plan, what steps you need to take. I will show you the path you need to follow.


  • I will guide you and your family, so you can go from surviving to THRIVING.


  • I will show you how to, and help you build a STABLE FUTURE .


  •  I will UNLOCK your potential and help you build a stable future.
  • If you give me just five short days, for one hour a day, I will explain to you why it is so important for you to learn to build multiple sources of income.

  • In a world of chaos and uncertainty. Where the future is looking bleak in this post pandemic world. I will help you plan, what the next steps are and what you need to do, to take the path that will help you build a stable future, for you and your family.

  • I will show you, how you can go, from just surviving from one paycheck to the next, and help you build a stable future in this digital century.

These are the areas of concern from the 3470+ people that have attended Pivot To Success over 2019 - 2022

  • Worrying about the rising prices and money ?

    The money that you earn is not enough to cover the bills and repayments. I know I’ve been there to. You need to learn, how to build multiple sources of income, so you can survive the future.

  • Not sure how you can meet your bills and payments?

    The money that you earn is not enough to cover the bills and repayments. I know I’ve been there to. You need to learn, how to build multiple sources of income, so you can survive the future.

  • Can’t find a job even after a hundred + applications?

    Hundreds of applications but all you get is no response. You wait for rejection letters at the very least, but nothing ever shows up in your inbox oh in the snail mail. Why ? That's because millions of businesses have been destroyed.

  • Leveraging your financial resources wisely

  • Don't even know if you have a job in the next few weeks?

    Millions of small, medium, and large businesses have closed, which is left a gaping hole in the employment sectors across the globe.

Pivot to Sucess With Luke McFarland  Focuses On These Key Areas:

  • Day1 - Everything is waiting to be discovered. PROMISE | POTENTIAL | VOCATION.

    We will kick off this exciting bootcamp on day one, by showing you the importance of discovering your potential and vocation and we will cap that of with our promise to you. This sets the wheels in motion for you to become successful person and become different from the 97% of people on the planet.

  • Day 2 - The power of turning your DREAMS into REALITY.

     Now that you know what your vocation is all about. Here we will learn about  your dream paper. I will help you discover the importance of dreaming. Once you dream it,  you can achieve it, and then you can hold it in your hand.

  • Day 3 - Aligning with GRATITUDE | Programming For SUCCESS

    Cultivating an “attitude of gratitude” has been linked to better health, sounder sleep, less anxiety and depression, higher long-term satisfaction with life and kinder behavior toward others. Success can only happen with the Reprograming of your mind.

  • Day 4 - Identifying Your MISSION | VISION | GOALS

    Knowing your mission and identifying vision, will help you define your goals. This in turn will propel you forward, to become a successful person, and join the 3%

    You must be willing to leave behind the 97%.

  • Day 5 -Stepping Forward and Stepping into PROJECT TRUTH BOMB

    On our final day, you will step forward into PROJECT TRUTH BOMB. Here you will learn how to become an entrepreneur that has control of their life and their income. You will be mentored myself on this journey to building a stable future. 

Here's What Some Of My Entrepreneurs Say About The Pivot To Success Bootcamp


Irene McCovern

“Luke is amazing! I did the Pivot to Success Bootcamp sessions with him over a month and a half and I achieved more personal development during that time than I have in the past 4 years. I carried out a handful of action items that my former self NEVER would have done. Luke's no-nonsense demeanor was extremely helpful in keeping me motivated and accountable. I highly recommend the Pivot to Success Bootcamp !


Eric Walker

“Luke McFarland is an everyday guy just like me. His ability to instantly connect, ask the perfect questions, and get to the heart of an issue is unmatched and can’t be overstated. His Story adn why he created the Pivot to Success bootcamp is nothing short of insiring and motivating .  I’m grateful to have Luke as a friend, mentor, and coach.”

Luke  helps everday people  create the most success and fulfillment possible — as leaders and managers, role models, and business owners – assisting them to hone a powerful vision for their life , career business success, and make that vision a reality.


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